20 years later and their words still ring true

by | Sep 25, 2013 | Word Up

It’s been two decades since BLACK, WHITE, OTHER: Biracial Americans Talk About Race and Identity was first published, and this fall I mark that 20th anniversary with a new and revised ebook edition, featuring a foreword from novelist Mat Johnson (Pym, Incognegro), higher-res photos, and other techno-friendly updates.

I may have come up with the idea, logged the air miles, and worn out two transcriber pedals as I collected the oral histories for this book, but what made it resonate then, and still, is the chorus of frank, funny, and compassionate voices that fill its pages. Not only does the ebook release on October 1 (although you can pre-order it now—at a hefty discount—by clicking here) (and please do) (thanks), but I’ve also been tracking down the original interviewees to ask them what they have to say today. Those comments will start showing up next week, sometimes with updated photos (so that you can all see for yourselves whether semi-black don’t crack).

“[BLACK, WHITE, OTHER] is an example of how we can talk about race with feeling, humor, and dignity.” – Kyoko Mori, The New York Times

“No book is more likely to force a reader to confront his beliefs about race than this one.” –The Buffalo News

“Funderburg lets her subjects ask–and answer–the controversial, touchy questions that many have wondered but few dared to pose.” – Indianapolis Star
