“Most of us feel like nothing is ever perfect…and we’re probably right. So it’s more like you have to find the balance point between perfectionism and pragmatism. You should feel like every single word has earned its place on the page. Every single word.”
CBS Sunday Morning looks at “Passing” (film and phenom)
Take a look at this segment from the 10/24/21 CBS Sunday Morning show, where producer Robbyn McFadden and correspondent Michelle Miller use the release of the new film to open up a discussion of race, perception, and privilege. Click here. ...
Here it comes! My next book!
Apple, Tree: Writers on Their Parents comes out September 1 from University of Nebraska Press. For this collection of all-original work, I commissioned 25 writers to explore a trait they’ve inherited from a parent, to reflect on how it affects the lives they lead...
Latest Obsession: Raising Monarchs
In their short-lived time as caterpillars, all they do is grow. That combines eating, pooping, sleeping, and molting. Rinse and repeat. My job is to clean the cages every other day, provide fresh and well-hydrated and parasite-free milkweed leaves for them to tuck into, and to wait. And watch. And wait…
Personal Essay/Memoir Workshop, October 11-15, in Paris, FRANCE
Registration is now open for my 4-part workshop intensive in Paris’s 15e arrondissement, October 11-15. Open to all levels, this is a chance to develop your memoir and personal essay skills through exercises, readings, revision, and group feedback. …