Spring = Vegetable Gardens = Canning Season!!

by | Mar 24, 2009 | Food

Pickled peaches

Pickled peaches

Harvest 2008

Harvest 2008

Against all better judgment, Farmer Margaret (my sister), Farmer John (my husband), and I doubled the size of our community garden plot for this year. On a beautiful hill overlooking the Schuylkill Valley and hosted by Philadelphia’s great SCEE nature center, we have expanded Triangulation Farm, as we like to call it, to be 40 ft. x 60 ft. Horticultural zones be damned, we’re growing everything from artichokes to asparagus, with potatoes and cucumbers and rhubarb in-between. This year, I’m in charge of the toad pond. Last year, I was in charge of the casita. A theme here?

We also have strawberries, blueberries and 15 tomato cages to fill. So I’ll be canning, canning, canning, when the time comes, and I’d love any tried and true recipes…for pickles, relishes, and chow chows (whatever those are). Can you help an urban farmer out?

Here’s the pickled peaches recipe I got from Mary Howard, sister of identical twins Albert and Elbert. If you have any family recipes for pickled peaches, I’m curious about variations on that theme.
