The Drexel InterView

by | Oct 26, 2013 | Uncategorized

Author Lise Funderburg talks about "Black, White, Other" on The Drexel InterView

Black, White, Other received some unexpected love in 2012 when Drexel University chose Pig Candy: Taking My Father South, Taking My Father Home as its Freshman Summer Read.

Not for nothing, Drexel’s campus overlaps (now more than ever) with Powelton Village, the West Philadelphia neighborhood in which I grew up … and which makes a few cameo appearances in Pig Candy.

This was a wonderful surprise and ginormous honor — how often do authors get to address a hall filled with people who’ve all read the book? — and it involved lectures, master classes, some tasty meals, and an interview on Professor Paula Marantz Cohen’s nationally syndicated show on arts and culture, The Drexel InterView. In this clip (watch here), Dr. Cohen asks about Black, White, Other.
