My recent sighting of the Pik-n-Pig’s portable BBQ Kingdom was clearly a sign of things to come. Turns out my supercool stepson Jason just bought a 17-foot-long trailer, and this is what he’s going to build on it (in the heat of the Arizona summer, not that this worries me at all): an eco-friendly small house that’s, by definition, supremely portable. Also well-designed in terms of both aesthetics and ergonomics. J’s going to make it his own, of course, but his inspiration is Jay Shafer’s Tumbleweed Tiny House Company (photo is from Shafer’s blog, which is well worth a browse).
I’m excited to watch Casa Jason come into being without actually having to lift a hammer. And if I ask really, really nicely, maybe he’ll send some work-in-progress shots that I can post here.