by Lise Funderburg | Oct 1, 2013 | Word Up
As of today, the Black, White, Other eBook is out in the world, waiting for you with its fancy eReader-friendly self. This is a re-edition of the 1994 classic, that prescient collection of oral histories from 46 adult Americans who each have one black and one white...
by Lise Funderburg | Sep 30, 2013 | Word Up
It’s been two decades since Black, White, Other was first published, and tomorrow we mark that 20th anniversary with a new and revised ebook edition. The expanded ebook features a no-false-idols foreword from novelist Mat Johnson (Pym, Incognegro),...
by Lise Funderburg | Sep 25, 2013 | Word Up
It’s been two decades since BLACK, WHITE, OTHER: Biracial Americans Talk About Race and Identity was first published, and this fall I mark that 20th anniversary with a new and revised ebook edition, featuring a foreword from novelist Mat Johnson (Pym,...