As of today, the Black, White, Other eBook is out in the world, waiting for you with its fancy eReader-friendly self.
This is a re-edition of the 1994 classic, that prescient collection of oral histories from 46 adult Americans who each have one black and one white parent, and who share their experiences of navigating race and racial identity. Sample the book here.
While the eBook was being readied, Lise decided to follow up on her original interview subjects. She’s been tracking them down and asking them to comment on what’s changed or stayed the same since she first spoke to them in the early 1990s. Their fascinating responses — still frank, still funny, still thoughtful, sometimes heartbreaking — will be posted on this website as they come in, occasionally with photos. Check out some of their comments here
The eBooks are available at your favorite eBook retailer. Get ’em while they’re hot.