by Lise Funderburg | Nov 12, 2014 | Essays, Uncategorized
An essay on my unstoppable mother’s latest move. Appearing in the current issue (November 2014) of O, The Oprah Magazine (available on newsstands, the Internet, iPads, and implanted brain chips). This is part of a collection of useful, moving, and timely...
by Lise Funderburg | Sep 25, 2014 | Interviews, Uncategorized
By Lise Funderburg New York Newsday 5/25/93 Elizabeth Bartholet is a Harvard Law School professor and the author of “Family Bonds: Adoption and the Politics of Parenting” (Houghton Mifflin). Q. You became a zealous advocate of adoption just in the last...
by Lise Funderburg | Oct 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
Black, White, Other received some unexpected love in 2012 when Drexel University chose Pig Candy: Taking My Father South, Taking My Father Home as its Freshman Summer Read. Not for nothing, Drexel’s campus overlaps (now more than ever) with Powelton Village, the...
by Lise Funderburg | Mar 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
Great new music from M’Balia that for some reason she’s just giving away. I mean free. No cost. Zippo. Zilch. Your money’s no good. Put that wallet away. Don’t even try it. This song is yours just by going on the cloud. Not to mention you can...
by Lise Funderburg | Sep 10, 2009 | THE NEXT 4 YEARS, Uncategorized, Word Up
Last night, I was not only deeply offended by Joe Wilson’s (R-SC) outburst during the President’s Health Care address, but I also wondered if he would have felt so free to be that rude to a white President. Offended citizens jammed Wilson’s website...
by Lise Funderburg | Jan 22, 2009 | Uncategorized
It may have taken me almost two years, but I finally stitched the last stitch of goddaughter Flora’s quilt. This photo illustrates what can only be called a more perfect union.